The Effectiveness of Thermal Optics on Firearms for Control of Feral Pig Population

Feral pigs are a non-native and invasive species in many parts of the world, including the United States. They cause millions of dollars in damage each year in the form of damaged crops, contaminated water supplies, broken equipment, transmission of diseases, and injury to livestock¹. Due to their intelligence, adaptability, and prolific breeding habits, traditional methods of hunting and trapping have been largely ineffective in reducing the feral hog population².

 The introduction of night vision and thermal optics has greatly increased landowners’ ability to mitigate the destruction caused by feral hogs². Thermal optics allow hunters to detect the heat signatures of feral pigs, even in complete darkness. This technology has been a game-changer when it comes to hunting these animals. Though it may be dark and the hogs think that they’re safe, they are about to get an education².

 In conclusion, thermal optics on firearms have proven to be an effective tool in controlling the feral pig population. By allowing hunters to detect and target feral pigs even in complete darkness, this technology has greatly increased the efficiency and effectiveness of population control techniques. However, it is important to note that a combination of methods, including hunting and contraception, may be more effective than either approach used alone¹.

Source: Conversation with Bing, 7/13/2023
(1) Simulation of Wild Pig Control via Hunting and Contraceptives.
(2) Hog Hunting With Thermal Optics…Watch As 190 Feral Hogs GO DOWN!.
(3) Control Methods – Feral Hogs - Extension.
(4) undefined.